
Melanie Thomas Yoga

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πŸŒ™ Tired and wired? The hidden danger of over-doing it

Hey Reader It's rare that I write a newsletter that is only going to be helpful for half of you... But in this case, I think there will be enough of you that can relate, that you need to hear what I am saying. Ask yourself: Is your fitness routine leaving you feeling exhausted rather than energized? You might be tired and wired. For many people experiencing burnout, it feels impossible to find time to exercise. But for others, exercise becomes addictive. That feeling you get when you complete...

Hey Reader Ever feel like your screens have become a digital leash, tethering you to a restless world? I certainly have a love-hate relationship with the digital world, and with my break from content creation the past few weeks have been an ideal time for me to re-establish some boundaries with my devices. Personally? I'm ok with non-addictive screen time. I never feel addicted to sending emails, to getting my work done on my computer, etc. But when it comes to social media, I need better...

Hey Reader You might have noticed that it has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote a newsletter. A LOT has happened my side and I decided to take a short break from digital content creation. I could feel myself getting burnt out. Something had to give... I teach my clients to recognise the signs of burn out and how to prioritise their time, and so I felt it was time to truly practice what I preach. Creating content is a way that I connect and build community, but I will always prioritise...

Hey Reader IT'S TIME TO GET MOVING! INTRODUCING... Uplift & Unwind Flow I hope you won't mind a bonus email this week with some fun news...! I am excited to share that I am launching a new online yoga class! The 60-minute classes will be delivered via zoom and take place on Thursday evenings at 6pm UK time. That's 7pm Central European Time, or 1pm for my friends in the US on Eastern Time. (If you want to check the time conversion for your location, I recommend - their 'meeting...

Melanie is in child's pose on a yoga mat

Hey Reader What if I told you that rest is not a luxury but a necessity for career success? How does that make you feel? If you are currently hustling hard, working long hours and pushing yourself to build your career, you might feel like you don’t have time to rest. But whilst #hustleculture would have you believe that rest is for the weak, the reality is that when you are well rested and have had time to recharge your batteries, then your focus, productivity and creativity get a whole lot...

Mel jumping in the air

Hey Reader It's time to get up and shake things up! πŸšΆβ™‚οΈ When you think about improving your body's posture and balance, perhaps you think about doing exercises to rebalance your body, or physio/physical therapists, or even reminding yourself not to slouch. In fact, one of the most powerful changes you can make to your body, your wellbeing and to improve your posture is something you might not expect: Regular movement throughout your day. πŸ’Ί The Sedentary Dilemma Let's be real for a moment......