
Melanie Thomas Yoga

πŸŒ™ Tired and wired? The hidden danger of over-doing it

Published about 2 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Hey Reader


It's rare that I write a newsletter that is only going to be helpful for half of you...

But in this case, I think there will be enough of you that can relate, that you need to hear what I am saying.

Ask yourself:

Is your fitness routine leaving you feeling exhausted rather than energized?

You might be tired and wired.

For many people experiencing burnout, it feels impossible to find time to exercise. But for others, exercise becomes addictive.

That feeling you get when you complete a really intense workout? It can be amazing, so it's no surprise that you chase that feeling again and again.

This might feel good in the short term. However, intense workouts can up-regulate your nervous system, and instead you are missing an opportunity to teach your body how to get back into a rest and digest state.

Read on to find out why this can be a problem, and what you can start doing to fix it and FEEL GOOD for the long term.

πŸ’ͺ The Allure of Intense Workouts

In our pursuit of fitness and well-being, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that more exercise is always better.

Intense workouts can FEEL invigorating and bring a sense of accomplishment, but there's a fine line between healthy exercise and overexercising.

Over-exercising can lead to a state where you feel both physically tired and mentally wiredβ€”a paradoxical combination that can disrupt your sleep, increase stress levels, and leave you feeling drained.

In short, your nervous system is on hyper alert, and each time you do an intense HIIT class or sweaty cardio workout, you get a short term release but you keep your nervous system in that ramped up state.

In that state, your body cannot easily wind down to rest. So, you end up tired and wired - powering forward and running on empty.

Equally, when you’re in this state, it can feel impossible to relax - taking a bath, meditating or doing slow stretches can leave you feeling anxious as your body struggles to adapt to a slower pace.


πŸ” Rediscovering Restful Rejuvenation

If you’re feeling tired and wired, the path to well-being is one you need to take step by step.

Jumping straight into slow, mindful, restful activities can actually be counter productive.

When I work with clients on my 1:1 programme, REVITALISE, we actually don't start by doing any exercises for relaxation.

You would think a programme to help people with burnout would be packed full of calming, relaxing and meditative sessions to begin with, right?


In fact, when you're in a tired and wired state, it is CRITICAL to meet your body where you are, and adjust your exercise programme to facilitate a release of stress without the high intensity cardio.

In REVITALISE, I make sure not to start too intense or too slow.

Instead, we focus in the first few weeks building the mind-body connection, and releasing stress and tension through movement, so that you finely tune your nervous system.

Over the course of several weeks (yes, that quickly!) you will be able to find a balance that allows you to enjoy the benefits of exercise while also recognizing when your body needs rest and recovery.

Then, when you start to introduce more relaxing, meditative and soothing practices, your body will be SO ready for them. You will LOVE the feeling of calm you can create once you have taught your body to release stress and get into the parasympathetic, rest-and-digest state.

Here's to rediscovering the true art of rest and finding harmony within.


Wishing you balance and serenity,


With love,


P.S. Can you relate to the tired & wired feeling? Are you tired of constantly feeling exhausted and unproductive? My signature 1:1 programme, REVITALISE, takes you step-by-step through a transformational process to supercharge your energy. Here’s your next step.​
















Kingston Upon Thames, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT2
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Melanie Thomas Yoga

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