
Melanie Thomas Yoga

Time for a reset...

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader

You might have noticed that it has been a couple of weeks since I last wrote a newsletter. A LOT has happened my side and I decided to take a short break from digital content creation.

I could feel myself getting burnt out. Something had to give...

I teach my clients to recognise the signs of burn out and how to prioritise their time, and so I felt it was time to truly practice what I preach.

Creating content is a way that I connect and build community, but I will always prioritise my client work over content creation. I want clients to know that when they work with me, they have my full attention.

And yet when I took the step back from content creation, the words of a business mentor that I respect were ringing in my ears....

The mentor said that by showing up consistently on your newsletter & on social media, you show potential clients that you will show up for them consistently.

It got me thinking -

What if this content creation holiday will alienate people who were beginning to consider working with me?

What if you have signed up to my newsletter only to receive crickets on the other end?

What if you think I'm flaky?

What if people who are new to my teaching forget who I am and unfollow or unsubscribe?

So many 'what ifs' swirling around my brain...

But the truth is, I realised that if I can't stop hustling for a couple of weeks, how can I expect anyone else to?

I am here challenging, each and every day, the message that we all need to be forever hustling, forever working, and not prioritising ourselves.

And if ever I needed a break, it was now. I have a wedding to plan, in-person teaching locations changing, and on top of it a tree fell on my house! (Not joking, there was a hole in my roof...! Everyone was safe, which is the important thing)

So I didn't announce a break. I didn't tell you I would be back sending you more content on a certain date. Instead, I simply stopped.

I deleted social media from my phone, and I gave myself time to recharge and focused my energy and attention on my teaching work.

I'm sure you have had similar fears about slowing down or taking a break. Perhaps yours sound like a voice in your head saying...

'If I stop spinning all these plates everything with smash'

'If I delegate this work to someone else it would be a disaster'

'If I take a minute to myself then everything will come crashing down'

But I can confidently say, having just gone through this myself -

The world will not stop turning.

And if the worst happens and things fall apart without you juggling them? Know that you are resilient enough to find a solution.

And you know what? Nothing fell apart. But guess what did happen?

I feel so inspired.

I cannot tell you how many ideas I have had over the past couple of weeks. I'm much clearer about where to focus my time and energy.

And my nervous system NEEDED that reset from so much screen time. I can feel my anxiety levels have come waaaay down, and this newly discovered mental clarity and focus is exactly what I need.

So, I hope this email inspires you to set some boundaries wherever you need right now in your life. I promise you the world won't stop turning if you take a pause. And when you take care of yourself first, you will be in a much stronger position to help others.

With love,

Kingston Upon Thames, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT2
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Melanie Thomas Yoga

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